It's been a while since I've written something relatively personal. Here goes.
Today marks the first time in almost two years that I've used my personal laptop sitting on my chair facing the table. As comfortable as it is having my laptop on my bed while watching TV or surfing before calling it a night, I miss my desk table.
I'm done.
This is my setup. This picture was taken in 2008. A few things have changed:
- I don't use that laptop anymore. It's still functional, but it's relatively slower than my current laptop.
- That printer is gone.
- That poster is gone.
- The part of the wall filled with CDs is already covered up.
- The boombox radio/CD player is gone. I moved it in the basement and made room for other things.
- The DVD rack was moved into another part of my room. That desk was moved leftmost away from the window. The window side was replaced with a taller, sturdier CD/DVD steel tower rack.
- I boarded up the lower window with black construction cardboard. I got mad at my youngest sister's uninvited friends (whom she invited making a lot of noise outside in front of our house while she was in high school. I punched the window. It broke.
- I now have an extra HD monitor for extended display.
Today marks the first time in almost two years that I've used my personal laptop sitting on my chair facing the table. As comfortable as it is having my laptop on my bed while watching TV or surfing before calling it a night, I miss my desk table.
(Click on "Then" and "Now" images below for full image of each)
I'm done.