Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sprinting Through Assassin's Creed Unity (Time Lapse)

My first YouTube upload of 2019. I just started playing Syndicate and I have to say that Assassin's Creed Unity feels like a next gen game compared to that. Syndicate looks larger in comparison, but there are more NPCs in Unity as well as more open buildings with interior spaces to explorer.

Sprinting Time
Versailles............ 02min03sec
Paris.................... 07min41sec

Total.................... 09min44sec

Disclaimer: This is by no means an accurate measuring of the distance. How long it takes to do the feat (walking, running, swimming, etc) does not factor game objects that prevent you from trudging on full speed (storms, sailing close to land to drop out of full speed, missed turns, people, invisible walls, etc).

Running Free is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported(
Artist: Jacob Cadmus

I'm done.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Dinosaurs ALIVE! Exhibit

A friend's post on Facebook about a Jurassic dinosaurs exhibit reminded me of the time my mom took my sister and I to a similar exhibit, if I remember correctly, called "Dinosaurs ALIVE!" This was before the movie "Jurassic Park" came out in theaters.

Little me took it literally, thinking there were real dinosaurs in the exhibit. The only dinosaurs I've seen before then were on children's books, "The Land Before Time" cartoon, and crude, old, stop-motion movies with dinosaurs in it.

Walking down the long corridor towards the exhibit, we could hear the dinosaurs roaring and screaming. I tightened my grip on my mom's hand. I was "game" to go in, but my legs were shaky and felt like turning back. Then we went inside and saw the huge dinosaurs greeting us. They were just huge sculptures and animatronics with sounds.

I was both relieved and disappointed that the dinosaurs were not alive. I had fun exploring and reading the names of the dinosaurs and what they looked like. Ever since then, I've had a love or love relationship with dinosaurs and paleontology.

I'm done