Monday, September 14, 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Crouch Walking Across Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins (Time Lapse)

The original recording of this feat happened in earlier in the year. While I was deleting files to recover more space in my hard drive, I ended up deleting the clips before I could edit. So I had to re-record the whole crouch walking feat again.

The route is similar to most of the routes I took for horse riding (northwest to southeast of the Egypt map). I made two edits in the middle of the run to turn off subtitles and to reset a route when I went inside a dead end instead of following the usual route. Another change I made is try not to move the camera as much and keep the destination cursor visible in the center and static. That makes it prettier in the timelapse video.

This is the longest of all routes in my Assassin's Creed videos so far, but only about 5 minutes longer than the sum of all strolling (walking) maps from Assassin's Creed II. If I were playing on PC and set the slow walking option instead of sprinting, this would exceed over 2 hours. I'm not sure if I'll do a video for Assassin's Creed Odyssey, though. That game is huge. The biggest hurdle is the numerous islands. There's more stuff to do in each islands compared to past games. We'll see if I have time.

I'm done.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Riding Across Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins: War Chariot Edition (Time Lapse)

I'm riding the two-horse drawn war chariot across Egypt from one point(northwest) to the other (southeast). This is the fastest means of traveling in the game with drifting for quick turns. I had to be careful with huge jumps. Unlike horses and camels in Discovery Tour mode, war chariots break easily with falls and high impact.

Unlike the main game, you can't just whistle and call war chariots in Discovery Tour mode. It's mostly a chance encounter with Roman soldiers. Then you have to follow them around until they stop and get off the chariot so you can use it. There are two towns near the northwest portion of the game where you can find war chariots. Once I gain control of them, I had to drive them back to my starting point. They're about the same speed as the eagle flight.

I'm done.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Riding Across Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins: Cattle Wagon Edition (Time Lapse)

Throughout the game world, there are NPC farmers riding cattle wagons with leaves and other types of plant debris. I think some of these are used in random missions, but they're mostly for show and for NPC to go about their routine. You can hide in the plant debris. They are also slower than running. They don't spawn by whistling like a horse, camel, or war chariot, but they are rideable. Since I'm in Discovery Tour mode, I have to track them near farmland in order to do this task.

I'm riding the cattle wagon across Egypt from one point(northwest) to the other (southeast). It starts out in the same path as the horse and camel ride, but changes in the middle going around the mountains from the right side. I end up back back in Faiyum Oasis. I had to be very careful not to fall and tip the wagon. Unlike horses and camels in Discovery Tour mode, wagons break and the cattle are not invincible.

I'm done.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Riding Across Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins: Camelback Edition (Time Lapse)

I'm riding a camel across Egypt from one point(northwest) to the other (southeast). This is close to the same path that I took with the horse with a slight alternate route about two-thirds of the way. Since I'm in the Discovery Tour mode like my other videos, there are no deaths or enemy/animal fight encounters.

I'm done.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Boating from the Nile to Faiyum in Assassin's Creed Origins (Time Lapse)

Using a boat made of reeds, I traveled from the top of the Nile where it meets the Mediterranean all the way the down south to the embankments and shallow passages leading to Faiyum Oasis. The reed boats are significantly slower than the Felucca sail boats. They are comparable in speed to swimming.

I'm done.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Swimming in the Mediterranean Sea in Assassin's Creed Origins (Time Lapse)

Back to playing as Bayek, I'm swimming from east to west of the Mediterranean Sea (Great Green Sea and Mesogeios Sea). Even on Discovery Tour mode, the NPCs on sail boats will always sail towards you thinking you're drowning. The only way to complete most of this is by swimming underwater in Tour Mode (no deaths). The swim speed is about the same, but I didn't really test it.

I'm done.