Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Riding Across Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins: Cattle Wagon Edition (Time Lapse)

Throughout the game world, there are NPC farmers riding cattle wagons with leaves and other types of plant debris. I think some of these are used in random missions, but they're mostly for show and for NPC to go about their routine. You can hide in the plant debris. They are also slower than running. They don't spawn by whistling like a horse, camel, or war chariot, but they are rideable. Since I'm in Discovery Tour mode, I have to track them near farmland in order to do this task.

I'm riding the cattle wagon across Egypt from one point(northwest) to the other (southeast). It starts out in the same path as the horse and camel ride, but changes in the middle going around the mountains from the right side. I end up back back in Faiyum Oasis. I had to be very careful not to fall and tip the wagon. Unlike horses and camels in Discovery Tour mode, wagons break and the cattle are not invincible.

I'm done.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Riding Across Egypt in Assassin's Creed Origins: Camelback Edition (Time Lapse)

I'm riding a camel across Egypt from one point(northwest) to the other (southeast). This is close to the same path that I took with the horse with a slight alternate route about two-thirds of the way. Since I'm in the Discovery Tour mode like my other videos, there are no deaths or enemy/animal fight encounters.

I'm done.