Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Gaming Year in Review: 2014

I took a much needed break from blogging about games and played a bunch of of them instead. On top of the ones I've written about last year, I've completed a handful ranging from triple-A titles I bought in the last few years, some current ones I bought in 2014 and many PlayStation Plus free games.
I'm currently working on a bunch of other games. I've succumbed to the idea that you don't have to completely finish a game, or finish a game for that matter. It's a big improvement on my tiny OCD complex, though I'm still adamant about finishing all my games before I buy a PS4.
  • Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
  • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
  • Puppeteer
  • Assassin's Creed Rogue
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
  • Silent Hill Homecoming
  • Ico
  • Little Big Planet Karting
This does not even include games I haven't opened or started (disc-based and digital).
  • Silent Hill: Downpour
  • Bioshock: Infinite
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth
  • Tokyo Jungle
  • Child of Light
There are just too many games. PlayStation Plus has been a godsend with their monthly free titles. I have a chip in my a shoulder and an itch to scratch if I don't get my money's worth with all these games, even if I got them for free from PlayStation Plus or online. Trophies certainly don't help the cause. I'm trying to get as most of these unfinished games done before the end of 2015. I'll try to detach myself from trophy list completions.

Other than that, I might write a few reviews on finished and unfinished games. Usually, I write them after I've beaten the game. But that shouldn't be the case.

I'm done.

Friday, January 9, 2015

WTF Fridays - Singamajig Symphony - Open Arms (Journey Cover)

WTF Fridays don't necessarily have to be weird, scary or something that came out from that weird part of the Internet. Enjoy :)

I'm done.