I took a much needed break from blogging about games and played a bunch of of them instead. On top of the ones I've written about last year, I've completed a handful ranging from triple-A titles I bought in the last few years, some current ones I bought in 2014 and many PlayStation Plus free games.
Other than that, I might write a few reviews on finished and unfinished games. Usually, I write them after I've beaten the game. But that shouldn't be the case.
I'm done.
- Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- Remember Me
- Tomb Raider
- Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse
- Hitman: Absolution
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
- Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
- Fez
- Proteus
- inFAMOUS 2
- The Walking Dead Season 2: A Telltale Game Series
- PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
- Bioshock
- Rainbow Moon
- SkyDive: Proximity Flight
- DuckTales: Remastered
- Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
- Batman: Arkham City
- Dungeons and Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
- Puppeteer
- Assassin's Creed Rogue
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
- Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust
- Silent Hill Homecoming
- Ico
- Little Big Planet Karting
- Silent Hill: Downpour
- Bioshock: Infinite
- Batman: Arkham Asylum
- South Park: The Stick of Truth
- Tokyo Jungle
- Child of Light
Other than that, I might write a few reviews on finished and unfinished games. Usually, I write them after I've beaten the game. But that shouldn't be the case.
I'm done.