Friday, September 18, 2015

A father plays poker with his drinking buddies after a long 60-hour work week. A college student goes on an impromptu road trip with his friends on Memorial day weekend. A mother takes her kids to the movies and the park on Saturday. A thirty-something professional goes clubbing on a Friday night. These are a few of many scenarios that people do to keep themselves sane and from getting overwhelmed with work, school, anxiety... life.

This is what we do. This is our getaway from stress. We go on vacations. We go to conventions. We go to parties. We attend concerts. Book readings. Autographs. Premieres. Sports. And more often than not, we take a picture of these precious moments. We want to capture that which made us happy... that which made us forget, even for an instant, the problems in our lives... that which made us remember that this is all worth it, as illusory as that statement may or may not be. We're all in the same boat. Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. So it baffles me when people "rain on others' parade" for their happiness, or perceived "perfect" life.

There's an article being passed around to various outlets stating that Instagram photos are not what they seem. A Thai photographer published a series of photos showing the whole picture of a cropped photo on Instagram. One picture depicts a perfect yoga pose in the cropped out image. The whole picture shows a friend holding the woman to keep her balanced.

Another picture shows a book under a plate of vegetables and rice. The whole picture shows a bowl of ramen noodles and other items on the table.

I understood the point of these pictures and the exaggerated nature of cropping and filtering the images. However, people are using this to justify their disdain on others. They don't like someone because of the pictures they take with their friends or of themselves. They don't like (hate, even) people's vacation photos. Essentially, they don't like pictures of people having fun. For them, these are bragging and fake. These people are quick to deflect evidence of jealousy. But it might as well be... sort of.

People have control on how they should feel about certain things.

Events. Situations. Objects. Pictures.

Your negative feelings towards a person depends on the situation. If they really did do something to warrant your disdain and/or resentment, that's a different issue. If you don't like someone who you barely talk to because of their pictures, how happy they seem to be in said pictures or their captions in said pictures, then these feelings are negative projections from within that you've attached on someone else. It's not jealousy. It's envy.

This is what photography is about: a captured moment in life taken out of context. You set the frame and the shot. The audience projects their own experience to the photo.

If you're one of these people, I guess what I'm trying to say is...

It's not somebody else's fault that you're not happy with your current situation. Everyone has their demons. Just don't lash out, passive-aggressively or otherwise, to others that have something you don't.

I'm done.

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