Tuesday, August 20, 2013


 I wrote this post on Xanga back in June about an off-site co-worker with an attitude problem and chip on his shoulder. He also just seems unruly towards a female co-worker from the same off-site location in our project.

Attitude on a Co-Worker

[...] I do have a bone to pick with my co-worker from [redacted], though. It's the way he talks to another co-worker at where they work.

Whenever we are in team meetings, our conversations are somewhat informal, yet respectful. For some reason, the male co-worker from [redacted] gives an attitude towards the female co-worker. When we're talking on the meeting and he's talking, sometimes our manager and another local co-worker would interject to clarify stuff. Whenever the female co-worker from [redacted] would interject, the male co-worker would say "can I finish?" He only does that to her. I'm not sure if he has a problem with women (our acting manager is a woman), but he did voice his concerns during the transition on the acting manager's knowledge with the applications we were supporting.

The female co-worker e-mailed me a few months ago about asking our acting manager if we could bring in our SME (subject matter expert) developer local co-worker  as a sort of project application lead or co-lead to help out in support duties. You see, the female co-worker and I were fairly new to the project. She had about 1 month's lead on me prior to joining. She barely knew anything about the application we were supporting as the male co-worker would always be busy or wouldn't respond to her e-mails. The female co-worker is aware of these snide remarks, but she just lets it slide, to a degree.

I'm done.

Yesterday, that female co-worker was told by her project manager at her job that they are reassigning her to another project effective immediately. She didn't say much in the e-mail, but they basically brought in this new person who just started working yesterday. He's supposed to replace her. I had a hunch who was behind this. I called her after work and she pretty much confirmed it. He caused the whole thing. WTF!!!

This other co-worker we shall call Dick. Same guy I'm talking about in the post above. So all this time, he's been complaining to the managers about petty things. He complains about how he got stuck with the support pager on Memorial Day weekend when he had plans to go fishing with his family or whatever bullshit. He complained to their manager about making it mandatory for the support person to have the pager once a week (then rotate). That would have been understandable, but he's throwing Maria (the female co-worker) under the bus and citing false misdeeds she's done.

According to Maria, the project manager basically said that she was "unprofessional" towards Dick and comes in late to work. THAT IS BULLSHIT!!! Maria comes in between 7:30-8:00 in the morning Central Time to be able to support Eastern Time employees. Dick comes in closer to noon Eastern Time and goes out for lunch for more than one hour. I don't know how he could get away with this. It's fucked up.

Maria told me that the project manager has had problems with Dick and wanted to get rid of him. Maria did not support that decision as that's really unnecessary. Throughout all this, the project manager lost all access to our main client and was told to never contact them ever. Couple that with Dick's bullshit, which embarrassingly has reached the directors at their company, Maria thinks the project manager put her under the bus so she could get a leg up in her current situation.

She also said that even though they were supposed to assign her to a new project, she doubts it ever happening. They'll probably just put her on the bench for a few months and eventually phase her out of the company. Let go. She was still in shock when I talked to her, but part of her is relieved that this is over. She didn't want to be in that environment. She thought about asking to be transferred to another project, but there just was too much work to be done.

My manager at work is aware of this and disagrees with the decision to remove her from the project. I'm not sure what's going on right now, but my former manager, current manager and acting team lead are having a meeting right now. I wouldn't be surprised if they are discussing the situation.

Dick has a bad attitude towards my manager and also talks about her behind her back when she's not around. When our new manager took over, she noticed the lack of knowledge base and documentation for this application (back story, Dick is the only one in support that knows more about this application after the Subject-Matter Expert guy left). We had a meeting on this several months back and Dick insist that we could not do so because the problems are varied and unique (NOT TRUE). In essence, he basically refused to do work proposed by our manager. He's not winning any friends. He also is bad at resolving incident tickets for our application and it would take more than a month (sometimes several) to resolve it. It's not that he can't fix it. He's just stalling and probably reassigning it to someone else and make it look like it's something new. The person who gets the incident ticket will not know how to solve it and then he comes swooping in and resolves it, coming out as the savior. He's purposely creating problems and coming up with workaround/solutions involving several steps instead of one.

Don't know why he keeps doing it, but all eyes on him. In the end, he only really knows one application and has not been able to pick up the others. I guess there's always that one person at every job that tics me off. I hope they do something about this. Either way, FUCK YOU, DICK!!!

I'm done.

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