Friday, October 29, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 7

Someone who has made your life worth living for

Well, shoot.

It's not really something I can narrow down to just one person or something. I'm not at that point, yet.

First and foremost... my immediate family. When I'm down and feel like giving up, my family is always there for me. I may have disagreements and arguments from time to time, but family is where it's at.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 6

Something you hope you never have to do

There are many things I don't like. Sure I throw the word hate around from time to time, but it doesn't really mean I hate something. It just means I don't like it. The word hate is not the opposite of the word like. Hate is a strong word. So I really hope that I never ever have to hate someone.

I'm done.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Restraining Usage

Let me get this straight. It is hard, creatively deriving anything when restrained. The idea can be daunting but it is achievable. It binds us, adapting that which many believe is infeasible. But trying never hurts. With that in mind, the plausibilities are endless. All it takes is a little due diligence. The average individual may give up when faced with this dilemma. An unyielding being faces that which causes an impediment. This sharpens the mind and prepares it when an alternate hindrance establishes itself.

The restraint I placed myself binds me in addressing that which is what I am undertaking in this writing; that which pertains an event happening in exactly a week that deals with writing. This exercise I am undertaking is preparation aimed at said event. Feel free in asking me what this is, afterwards. Since my usual ending phrase falls under the restraint I placed, it is unacceptable. As a result, I will replace it with a different phrase with a similar meaning.

I'm finished.

Dammit, Hard Drive!!

Not a good day today. Started about 3 weeks ago when I heard scratching
and grinding noises while I was copying stuff into my hard drive. It was fine
receiving the files from my computer. Then about 2 week ago, I was a little
under the weather and decided to watch my shows. So I settled down and
turned on my laptop. When I navigated through the harddrive and clicked on
one of the folders, it hanged a bit and a box said the folder was inaccessible.
After about 5 days, it was an intermittent problem. Around 2 days ago at
night, it just wouldn't let me access the folders. I went online and did some
investigation of my own. Some tech-savvy people said "turn off the sleep
mode, safely disconnect the hard drive and shut down the computer." Then
everything should be fine. I restarted and hooked the hard drive. It didn't
work. I did some more research online some people suggested to getting
another harddrive enclosure. Even my friend said so. But I've encountered
something like this in the past with burned CDs. When I was saving data,
similar errors popped up. The only other option I could think of is salvage
as much of the hard drive. I'll run the CHKDSK.EXE so the computer can
verify the bad sectors and try to fix and remove the corrupted files if there
ever were to begin with. The only problem is it takes too long with the hard
drive at 2 Terabytes (TB) and at 1.03TB capacity. Some people online said
I might have to let it run for 3 to 4 days. One guy had a 1.5TB hard drive
at 1.3TB capacity. It took 4 days for CHKDSK.EXE to complete verifying. I
might have to just scrap that and call this one a dud. Another solution is
have a professional data recovery company salvage what's left in there for
a price. I have about 1TB worth of TV shows, movies, music and others. I
probably don't have to do this if CHKDSK.EXE can fix it. I should be really
pissed, but this happens. Checked my old hard drive and some files I have
yet to transfer are still intact. I'm somewhat relieved. But still...

I'm done.

(If you're wondering with the format of this post, it's because I made it into an acrostic)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nier and Far

I'm currently working my way through this action-RPG NIER by Square-Enix. This is a highly underrated game. It doesn't have the next gen graphics that everyone expects from games like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 or Final Fantasy XIII, but this game has all the makings of a good action role-playing game.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Diary of a Returning Gamer #3

I've been slacking off with Brutal Legend. I need to play that game uninterrupted. Meanwhile, I've stepped up my game with Pump it Up. The latest version, Pump it Up Fiesta has, by far, the best playlists of any versions of the game. The fact that you can upgrade the game via USB is a great addition. Also, in future updates, you can use your own stepcharts for certain songs.

If you're lucky enough to be here Maryland in Arundel Mills Mall on Friday and Saturday nights, you'll be seeing me light up the room with this game with my friends. I've been playing dance rhythm games since Dance Dance Revolution. That's about 8 years. We joke around that this is a second job for us.

Whenever we play, these are the questions that most people ask:

Do you have this game at home?

Did you memorize the game?

What are the arrows on the screen?

And this rare question... did you make this game?

What my friends and I do with this game is serious. I'm the only "freestyler" in the group and it takes a lot of work coming up with dance routines while stepping on the arrows at the same time. It's also a good workout.

I'm currently practicing and thinking of a routine for one song. Hope it goes well.

I'm done.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 5

Something you hope to do in your life

So much stuff going on in my mind right now. It's already past 5 in the morning and even thought I'm sleepy, I can't seem to sleep. This day on the 30 days of truth list is fitting.

I really hope I can love again. I don't know if that's what I need to fill this big gaping hole in my life right now. So far I've been on auto-pilot. These days, I don't really feel like I'm going somewhere and it sucks. It's like I'm on the road without knowing where I'm going and all I'm doing is taking the next left or right turn whichever I chose. My life right now is like this Backstreet Boys song:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 4

Something you have to forgive someone for

I think it's really hard for me to hold a grudge. There are people I'd rather not associate myself with, but that's different. Holding a grudge is like having someone occupy your mind rent-free.

I think in time, I can forgive my dad. After all, he is my dad. But there's a difference between forgiving and forgetting. That's why forgiveness is hard. Only time will tell.

I'm done.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 3

Something you have to forgive yourself for

There are lots of things I blamed myself for.

I blamed myself for my parents' divorce. It took a long time to come to terms with it and to finally understand it wasn't my fault. Divorce was inevitable before that thing happened to me. After we left my dad, my aunt told was still calling my mom and saying that "WE" ruined my dad. After all the messed up things my dad did and it was us that ruined him. My mom told my aunt that it's not him that's ruined. We left to stay away from him and we were better off, but it was us that he shattered. The way we left him was wrong, but everyone whom we talked to and told about what happened, even my grandpa and other aunt (father's side), told us it was the right thing to do.

Another thing I have to forgive myself for is how everything went down with my ex. I can't move on if I can't forgive myself. It's true, that later on I wanted to be with her. But it has more to do with the fact that I could already tell before we broke up that I was losing her. Even before that, I was already committed after I got back from the Philippines, but the months leading into the inevitable was already apparent. I was indecisive because I didn't want her that badly. I didn't want to end the relationship because I really did like her, but it wasn't strong enough. I didn't have the guts to break up with her. I knew I was gonna get hurt big time for this if it ended. But it was great while it lasted.

You live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn
You bleed you learn
You scream you learn

You grieve you learn
You choke you learn
You laugh you learn
You choose you learn
You pray you learn
You ask you learn
You live you learn

I'm done.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 2

Something you love about yourself

Last year I wouldn't even know how to answer this question... let alone think about anything I love about myself. All I needed was time and a lot of self reflection. For most of my life, the one thing that was constant about me is that I can easily make friends... a quality I have abandoned after years of stress in college. I don't know what it is, but this also ties with the skill to make any baby warm up to me and smile or laugh.

If there is something that I love about myself, then it would have to be this. I don't have a word for it, but I'll refer to it as "THIS" or "THAT."

I'm done.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 1

Something you hate about yourself

Sometimes your mind can be the biggest downer you ever encounter. This is why I shouldn't be left alone for a long time. My mind starts to wander and I start thinking.

I got this list from my friend and for lack of creative writing, I'm resorting to this. Day 1 focuses on something that you hate about yourself. Well, I don't like the word 'hate.' But if I have to hate something about myself, it would have to be this matter of thinking too much.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Types of Gamers 2010 Edition

I think it’s time to update this to the 2010 edition including newer species I haven’t catalogued.

I started compiling this article back in 2004. I made numerous iterations until finally submitting it to Gaming World in early 2005(Types of Gamers). At first, this article was designed to help sort out the confusion between ‘hardcore gamers’ and ‘old-school gamers.’

The information is 50/50 split between gamers, editorials written over time from magazines and websites around the world and my observations. The definitions are somewhat rigid and not all gamers will fall into just one place. There’s a little bit of 2 or 3 or more of each of these in us. To accompany you while reading, I prepared my playlist to play select game music from OCRemix.