Friday, November 15, 2013

My Desk Table Area

It's been a while since I've written something relatively personal. Here goes.

My Desktop Setup (April 2008)

This is my setup. This picture was taken in 2008. A few things have changed:
  1. I don't use that laptop anymore. It's still functional, but it's relatively slower than my current laptop.
  2. That printer is gone.
  3. That poster is gone.
  4. The part of the wall filled with CDs is already covered up.
  5. The boombox radio/CD player is gone. I moved it in the basement and made room for other things.
  6. The DVD rack was moved into another part of my room. That desk was moved leftmost away from the window. The window side was replaced with a taller, sturdier CD/DVD steel tower rack.
  7. I boarded up the lower window with black construction cardboard. I got mad at my youngest sister's uninvited friends (whom she invited making a lot of noise outside in front of our house while she was in high school. I punched the window. It broke.
  8. I now have an extra HD monitor for extended display.
Normally, this is where I do most of my browsing. For the past year or so, I've been using my laptop on my bed on the other side of the room. When I'm playing an online game like Maplestory, our wi-fi is not as strong on this spot. I've been using my desk table for my work laptop.

Today marks the first time in almost two years that I've used my personal laptop sitting on my chair facing the table. As comfortable as it is having my laptop on my bed while watching TV or surfing before calling it a night, I miss my desk table.

(Click on "Then" and "Now" images below for full image of each)
Then April 2008 Now November 2013

I'm done.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Leave Her Johnny, Leave Her

This is one of the shanties that your pirate crew sing while scouring the seas of the West Indies in Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. This Golden Age of Piracy sequel to the not-so-popular American Revolution setting of Assassin's Creed 3 (AC3) is actually a prequel, story-wise. You play as Edward Kenway, grandfather of Ratonhnhaké:ton (Connor Kenway), the main protagonist of the past in the last game. When they announced this game earlier this year, they compared it to Connor's adventures, that, while his story was about a triumphant revolution, Edward's story is about a revolution that failed. Numerous previews and trailers showed Edward chumming it up with the likes of Blackbeard, Charles Vane and Benjamin Hornigold, among a few famous pirates from the 18th century. With that cast lineup and the setting, I knew going in this would be a sad and somber affair, but it was great seeing how everything unfolded. On with the review.

Blackbeard with Edward Kenway

Edward Kenway is less righteous compared to Connor or his ancestors (Ezio and Altair). Born to a farming family, he wanted more out of life. He left home and made a name for himself as a pirate as well as meeting up with the Assassin Order bureau in the West Indies. He was more concerned about getting rich than help out the assassins. If this weren't an Assassin's Creed game, this would be the best pirate game out there.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dinosaurs Forgot About Dre w/ Guns

I saw this anime music video at Otakon 2013. It was one of the finalists for the action category. The Cyberoptix remix to "Dinosaurs with Guns" sounded a lot like the beat hook to "Forgot About Dre." It would be cool if someone remixed the songs together. I looked online and couldn't find one. I've never done any professional-like audio mixing, but this had to be done.

It took a while to find the vocals only track to Forgot about Dre. I was looking for the instrumental version of Dinosaurs with Guns Cyberoptix remix, but I couldn't find it. I tried isolating the music only, but the vocal track is too synthesized for my software to remove it. I think it worked out okay leaving that song as it is.

I did the remix. It's a rough cut, but it's what I needed. Hopefully you EDM DJs out there can make a better version of this mix.

I'm done.