Friday, October 29, 2010

30 Days of Truth - Day 7

Someone who has made your life worth living for

Well, shoot.

It's not really something I can narrow down to just one person or something. I'm not at that point, yet.

First and foremost... my immediate family. When I'm down and feel like giving up, my family is always there for me. I may have disagreements and arguments from time to time, but family is where it's at.

Second... friends. When you can't confide in your family about certain things, you have friends for that. New friends, old friends... it doesn't matter. But finding true friends is always nice.

Third (this is will sound cheesy)... the future. I don't mean like "the children are our future" type of thing. I'm thinking more along the lines of dreaming about the prospect of an ideal future that I want to have.

Fourth... videosgames. Somebody has to milk the cows and harvest the crops.

Fifth and final... someone who makes you feel like you're at home.

I'm done.

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