Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Duck Walking Through Assassin's Creed Unity (Time Lapse)

The streaming quality was so-so in my previous video. Whenever I have too much movement going on, the screen starts tearing and pixelating. Unless I'm directly connected to the Internet, my stream quality will be a downgrade. I managed to get my Live Gamer Portable working on PS4. I can get 1080P HD resolution. Only problem is it can't get to 60FPS at 1080P. Good thing is AC Unity maxes out at 30FPS on consoles, I believe.

So this is a first for my channel and for this series: Duck Walking.

In previous AC games (AC3, AC4, and AC Rogue), crouching is contextual. There is no dedicated crouch button. Your character automatically crouches when you're near a hiding spot like tall grass, plants, and when you're stalking a target. AC Unity introduced a crouch button. This means you could crouch walk throughout the entire game as long as you're not running. This is me duck walking through the main game maps (Versailles and Paris) to see how long it takes cross.

Duck Tales - The Moon (Mega Drive Soundfont) by Num-Kirby

I'm done.

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