Saturday, May 15, 2010

Few Weeks of Change

These past few weeks have been an enlightening one for me. Never did I think I could be so fortune to have these people in my life. From the person I've known for a while now but never really had a chance to speak to as much, to the people I hanged out with back when I was just a freshman in college.

I never thought that I could be on speaking terms with this person. I was always very shy and had a lot of eyes observing me back then. This person even thought I was very dismissive when I talked and thought I acted like I am better... basically a snob. The truth is, I was just in a different place in time... busy observing from a distance. Now this person is like the goto person I never had but always wanted one. We'd talk/text about random things and similar interests... anything.

I lost connection with the people I hanged out with at the mall 5 years ago. One of them I worked with at Muvico back then. We enjoyed one game together and that is Pump it Up. After the changes in my life, I stopped going there and lost connection with them. Circumstances changed and I started going back there and played again because it was the one place that always cheered me up no matter how hard my day/week/month was. In one of these nights, it was like a grand reunion: they all showed up one by one. Since then, we've hanged out and eaten at Denny's. I just got back from Denny's with two of these guys from 1AM to 4:30AM. We just talked about anything.

If there is one word to describe the many, many range of emotions I'm feeling right now... it would be happy. Not sugar-coating it happy. Happy. I've only had about 2 hours of sleep for the past 2 days. I should be tired and angry, but I'm feeling very blessed right now. Thanks to you guys, you made my transition from depression to acceptance closer from coming into fruition. Thank you for being you.

I'm done.

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