Sunday, September 22, 2013

Instructions not INCLUDED

There's something about off-beat, non-mainstream movies that draws you in. Movie theaters nowadays are saturated with superhero films, stoner flicks and bestselling-book adaptations. It's not about the human element anymore. It's mostly special effects and which famous actor is in it.

I decided on seeing Instructions not INCLUDED for lack of any other movie out. There's also the fact that non-mainstream movies don't attract obnoxious moviegoers who constantly have their phones illuminating the the dark or talk during the movie. Prior to watching, I viewed the trailer on YouTube. The story drew me in:

Valentín is Acapulco's resident playboy, until a former fling leaves a baby on his doorstep and takes off without a trace. Leaving Mexico for Los Angeles to find the baby's mother, Valentín ends up finding a new home for himself and his newfound daughter, Maggie. An unlikely father figure, Valentín raises Maggie for six years, while also establishing himself as one of Hollywood's top stuntmen to pay the bills, with Maggie acting as his on-set coach. As Valentín raises Maggie, she forces him to grow up too. But their unique and offbeat family is threatened when Maggie's birth mother shows up out of the blue, and Valentín realizes he's in danger of losing his daughter - and his best friend.~source

It's a Spanish/English movie. It's part comedy, part drama. There's really nothing much I can say without spoiling the movie other than YOU SHOULD WATCH IT!!! I don't follow Mexican cinema, so I didn't know who the actors and actresses were. That makes this movie even better. No expectations. Pure wonderment.

I've never laughed and cried so much in a movie since Bridge to Terabithia (though there was no reason to laugh in that movie... just cry). I'm planning on watching the movie again with my parents (if they have time) and my sister (if they have time). This could go down as one of the most underrated films this year.

I'm done.

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