Friday, March 7, 2014

Time is Marching

So February came and went. The Winter Olympics happened in Sochi. I always thought that they needed more sporting events. Then again, you can only do different kinds of sliding until you run out. Reporters and fans in Sochi took to social media to make fun of how bad the rooms and conditions were at the Olympic site. I thought it was kind of rude. People have been spoiled by bare necessities that you sometimes forget they are hard to find and expensive elsewhere. When I went to Europe with the family 8 years ago, drinks were expensive, including water.

Besides that, Sochi was not the right place for the event. They temperature was too warm and they barely had snow. Meanwhile, everyone in the US except Florida was hit with below zero temperatures. The east coast was pummeled by multiple polar vortices. Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and gave us 6 more weeks of winter. And winter we got. Snochi... cause they could have used all this snow.
And now it's March. I'm still neck deep in work. I'm not stressed yet. When I get overwhelmed, I just try not to look at it as such. It also helps to not go back to that dark place in the back of my mind. One of my co-workers is taking some time off for a much needed vacation. He'll be gone for 3 weeks. Our team lead has been restructuring the resources to better accommodate the business users to all the applications we support. I'll be on-site at work to cover for most of his duties. They're not too bad. It's just the traffic that is bad. They just really need to get rid of trucks in the highway. They cause the most problems.

I was going to be at work throughout this week, but I decided to work from home today. 4-hour commute days is too much. I also did an oil pull this morning. I've been seeing a lot of this online so I looked it up and tried it. It's not bad. It really does cleans your mouth and detoxify it. Some instructions said 1 tablespoon or 1 teaspoon. It's better to go with 1 teaspoon. 1 tablespoon can be problematic when you're holding in the oil for 20 minutes. Saliva and mucus builds up rather fast. They recommended coconut oil. I only have olive oil, so that worked. You swish the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes. After that, rinse with water (preferably warm water with salt). It reminded me of a dentist visit when I was 14. I hide to hold in the fluoride solution in my mouth. The hygienist didn't say how long. She just left me and almost ingested the solution. The dentist was pissed. PISSED at her. That was the last time we went to that place. It was right next to a Discovery Zone. I never got to try Discovery Zone. Not even once. I went to Jeepers and Chuck-E-Cheese, though. They need to bring it back.

I'm done.

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