Sunday, July 4, 2010


In a world ruled by computers and keyboards, does penmanship still count?

I ask this because I generally don't do anymore writing with a pen or a pencil other than a quick jotting down of notes at or something else. Most of the time I'm typing. Over the years my penmanship has gone bad. When I was 3 years old I had the best penmanship of writing my name and the alphabet. As I got older it kept changing and eventually I learned how to write the alphabet cursively. It started with writing exercises in school and eventually got down to writing full sentences and connecting the cursive penmanship of each letters together. From then on, I merged my old way of writing with cursive. So my penmanship is a mixture of cursive and standard.

Most girls I know still have great penmanship. Maybe it's just guys. But my step dad still has a a very legible and understandable penmanship. It probably just means you care enough to write legibly or not. What I have is chicken scratch, to say the least. I should go to a book store and buy a book on handwriting exercises just for fun. As of right now, I don't like my penmanship.

I'm done.

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