Friday, September 10, 2010

Dino Megazord + Dragonzord + Titanus = Ultrazord

The Dino Megazord and Dragonzord

Power Rangers was the awesomeness. I know it's not a word, but it really was "teh awesomeness." What's also awesome about the show are the paraphernalia that came with it. Out comes Christmas time or your birthday and all the girls and boys wanted to have the costumes, the masks, the toys and many other Power Ranger related stuff.

I really wanted the toys that came with it. I think I got the red ranger and my sister got the pink ranger. I was just happy my mom bought me the red ranger and the pink ranger for my sister. I also wanted to have all 5 Dinozords that came with it (Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Sabre-Toothed Tiger, Tyrannosaurus), but these were really expensive. I knew my mom couldn't afford it then. I remember when she would take us shopping at the mall and I would always stop by the toys section and look at all the Power Ranger toys in glass boxes on the shelf just above my 9-10 year old body's reach.

I had a rich classmate who would always sneak in toys into his backpack and play with them during lunch or during class time behind a chair. I helped watch out for the instructor if they come close by. In return he let me play with his toys. This one particular day just a few weeks after Christmas, he brought in the Power Ranger Dinozords. These things looked just like their counterparts in the show. Even cooler is that all of them can be combined to transform into the Megazord in tank and battle mode. A part of me was jealous, but I'm just happy I knew someone that have it.

The music video opening to Bioman (This was epic back in the late 80s)

The music video opening for Maskman
(The hand signals in this one were the best... And Yellow Ranger is Angeline lol)

Fast forward to about 15 years later, After watching the David Yost interview (the Blue Power Ranger), I've been reminiscing a lot about Power Rangers and the various Super Sentai series I saw before I knew of Power Rangers. There was Bioman, Maskman, Turbo Rangers, Fiveman, Jetman. Jetman was the last one I saw until Power Rangers came on the air. It was an instant hit along with X-Men and Highlander the TV Series. Power Rangers followed me here in the US (or rather I followed the show here in the US). I didn't watch much of Zeo and Turbo, but I did follow Power Rangers: In Space and Lost Galaxy as much as the first one. I decided to look up Power Rangers on Youtube and found this guy with his Power Ranger zords toys. It's s 24min video so if you don't want to watch a piece of toy history, you can skip the video and read my summary.

He has all the Power Ranger zords that transform into the Dino Megazord in tank mode and battle mode. Not only that, he has the Green Ranger's Dragonzord which can be combined with the Dino Megazord to form the Mega Dragonzord. The Dragonzord becomes the head and torso in one mode and the shoulder pads for extra firepower in another mode. It gets better. The guy pulls up Titanus, A brachiosaurus carrier Dinozord. It was brought out various times throughout the series. It carries the shoulder-padded Mega Dragonzord to form the Mega Dragon Ultrazord.

Head-Torso and Shoulder Pad Mega Dragonzord

Titanus and Dino Mega Dragon Ultrazord

This was the most epic transformation I've seen so far in all seasons of the Power Rangers. It just reminded me a lot of Transformers. I was jumping up and down upon seeing this transformation and obliterating Rita Repulsa's monster on TV when I was a kid. I only saw the first two seasons of Power Rangers. I didn't see much of when they used the Ninjazords, Shogunzords and Falconzord since that's around the same time my father pawned the TV.

Fun times...

Bonus: Here are non-embeddable videos for fan service.

I'm done.

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