Monday, April 18, 2011

30 Days of Truth - Day 17

A book you've read that changed your views on something

I would have to say that The Da Vinci Code changed my view on faith.

I'm Roman Catholic. I still am. I still respect other people's views on faith. I believe that healthy debate is always good. The change in my view has to deal with the fact that it's never one-sided.

Dan Brown took an idea that has been talked about for many, many years (Jesus was married, had a child, etc). He's not the first one to suggest the notion of a Church conspiracy. He's the latest one to be famous for it. The Christian faith is still the biggest religion in the world. He knew there would be repercussions for this book. And he made millions off of it. Many people, including countries with a predominantly Christian population banned the release of the books and the movie adaptation, citing blasphemy towards Christianity.

What changed for me is that I don't really follow what the extremes of Christianity believe in. For most of my life, I've been taught what Christianity is and what it isn't. I'm at the point where I've made my own decisions and I have my own beliefs towards it. The morals I've learned from Christianity can be applied to everyone, indiscriminate of race, background and/or religion.

I'm done.

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